Tips on moving to London with small children – healthcare

london healthcare tips for expats

If your family is anything like mine we have never accessed healthcare services more than since our children arrived. GPs were for annual checkups, specialist referrals and the odd prescription pre kids. Nowadays it seems a month doesn’t go past without a trip to the GP..  and I think I am quite relaxed about letting […]

Moving to London with small children – where to live

Climbing wisteria

Are you thinking of taking the plunge and moving to London with your young family? We were incredibly fortunate to have a wonderfully supportive friend (thanks Kirsten!) assist us with so much practical advice and answer hundreds of questions when we were making the decision to move. I know not everyone is lucky enough to have […]

5 things I wasn’t expecting when we moved to London

Spring in London

We have now been living in London nearly a year and it’s fair to say that time has flown. Having lived in North London many many moons ago, I thought I had the city pegged but it looks like I was wrong. Here are few surprising things I have learnt over the past months. 1. […]

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